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Digital Nomad Blogs- A Guide to Living Nomadic Lives

digital nomad

You've likely heard of digital nomad blogs, whether you're an aspiring or current digital nomad. These websites serve as a guide for people who want to live a more fulfilled life while traveling. They can also serve as a source of inspiration. You can also read about the adventures of other digital nomads, find out about the latest travel trends and make money online.

Nomadic Matt, one of the most viewed blogs on the internet is probably the Nomadic Matt. This site is for budget travelers. The blog explains the different ways to earn money while travelling, from working for others to promoting other businesses' products and services.

Another website is The Nomad Guru. The Nomad Guru has a blog, Instagram, Facebook page, and a Facebook page. All of these sites are dedicated to helping digital nomads find their feet. This group posts travel tips and advice, in addition to blogging. It's a wonderful place to share ideas and join.

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The Planet D was another popular blog for travel. It was started by Dave in 2004 and Deb in 2005. It's an aesthetically pleasing site with many captivating visual videos. Although it's not as flashy as other sites, it's got a very active following.

This blog's greatest asset is that its owners actually travel. Whether it's a solo trip or a group excursion, they share their travel adventures with readers.

There are also other digital nomad blogs which offer detailed guides for living a happier life. Aside from travel, these sites also cover health and fitness, food, and other interesting topics.

Jodi Ross is a former corporate attorney who quit her job to travel and write. She offers tips to travelers on how to save money and manage their finances. While she's an expert on travel, she's also a certified business coach who helps travelers make a profit from their trips.

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Another interesting site is Free Candie. This blog is an ode to freedom. Candice describes it as a place to "be completely free and experience all the beauty of the world." It is however the blog's title that is most notable.

There are many blogs out there, each with its own style. The internet can be a great resource for finding the right topics to write about. You need to pick a topic that is both interesting and easy to explain. With some hard work and planning, your passion for travelling can be turned into a lucrative business. Creating a digital nomad blog can be the next step in your career. If you don't want to quit your day job you can still make money through your blog.

Although you shouldn't expect to make a lot of money from your blog, there are many options. Your blog can be used to create a website or sell physical products. A blog is a great way to share your experiences with a wider audience.


Are digital nomads able to make a lot?

It is a fascinating phenomenon to be digital nomadism. You can travel for up to six months at a stretch. It is being referred to as the future of work by some. Some people think it's a fad. But, regardless of which side you choose, one thing is certain: it's made its mark.

Since 2008, the number of remote workers has increased significantly. In fact, according to a study conducted by FlexJobs, remote workers now outnumber traditional office-based employees.

How much do digital nomads make? It all depends on the type of job you do, where you live, and whether you are self-employed.

According to Nomadic Matt's website, he earns $10-$20k monthly. However, this figure includes his income from blogging as well as speaking engagements and consulting gigs. These jobs don't pay the bills because they are too hard work. He also stated that he travels around 80% of the time.

You can earn more in Thailand than you would make in the United States, however. Expatistan states that the average salary in Thailand is USD 4000 per month. That's almost double the median US salary.

Not only will you earn more, but also lower taxes and higher housing costs. If you are thinking of moving abroad, it is worth considering.

Which country is the best for digital nomads

Three major hubs are present in the digital nomadism world. These are India (Thailand), Brazil, and Brazil. They all have similar climates and cultures. They differ greatly in terms of the quality and cost of life. So which do you choose?

The ideal location for digital nomads would be somewhere that allows you to live inexpensively while still being able to work remotely. This means you should find a city that's affordable, has a low-key lifestyle, and offers plenty of adventure.

Digital nomadism is best practiced in cities that have low living expenses and are free from distractions. In other words, they are easy to escape from.

You have the freedom to explore these locations and seek out new adventures. There are many inexpensive accommodation options available in these regions.

These are great places for people to network and make friends. It is much easier to meet people remotely because you have more time for socializing.

These are my suggestions:

  1. Go to India.
  2. Visit Thailand.
  3. Go to Brazil.

How can you stay safe when living as a digital nomad?

You will never stop living online in reality. It's where most of your friends and acquaintances are. You won't live entirely online, however, if you are a digital nomad. How can you keep safe while traveling?

First, ensure your computer is virus-free. This means that you must install the latest Windows and Mac OS X updates and keep them up to date.

You also need to ensure your software is running the latest version. You should update your software immediately if it isn’t. If the cloud services you rely upon, such as Dropbox or iCloud, then you might lose your files.

VPN (virtual personal network) services protect your internet connection from outsiders. Check with your ISP to see if you are eligible.

VPNs protect your privacy by encrypting your web traffic. This makes it more difficult for hackers and other malicious actors to intercept your personal information. You can download a VPN application to your mobile phone to connect to public WiFi networks.

Finally, ensure that your phone is charged. You could save hours searching for someone you lost your passport or wallet by having your contact details available.

What does a typical day look like for a digital nomad?

A digital nomad's average day will vary depending upon where they are located. It could include:

  • Registering for new accounts and logins
  • Content creation (blogs and articles)
  • Researching new markets
  • Meeting new contacts
  • New opportunities
  • Contract negotiation
  • Working on projects

To be a digital Nomad, you have to learn how manage multiple aspects of life.

This means creating a schedule to accomplish everything and still enjoy yourself.

You might have a morning routine, for example, of checking email and scheduling meetings. After lunch, you might take a few hours to unwind.

After dinner, you start your evening routine. You'll be checking social media, reading blogs and writing blog posts. The rest of the evening is yours.

You won't feel overwhelmed, and you can maximize your productivity all day.

What is the digital nomadic lifestyle?

A digital nomad lives a life of mobility. Their lives are fluid, mobile, and flexible. They can live anywhere that has an internet connection and a reliable method to recharge their batteries.

They travel for business or pleasure, working wherever there is wifi. They travel from one city to another for weeks, living in suitcases and hopping around between countries and cities without much thought.

Digital nomads are the future. They are the generation that does not own land or a property. They are the generation that grew-up playing online video games.

Digital Nomads will be the next generation in travel. They are the ones who will forever change how we travel.

Which jobs do digital nomads usually do?

A digital nomad is someone who travels to work in two cities. They live out their suitcases and travel where work takes them. Their lifestyle allows them to be flexible in how they work and when. Digital nomads can work anywhere in the world, including remote locations such as islands, forests, mountains, deserts, etc.

Writing, web design, web engineering, software engineering and translation are the most popular types of work.

Digital nomads are those who travel and work remotely. This allows them the freedom to choose their own location and save money. Many digital nomads prefer to travel alone. Some others find it easier connect with local communities as they aren’t tied to any specific place.

How do digital nomads get paid?

Upwork and Freelancer are excellent for finding remote jobs. These sites also make it easy to find freelance clients.

They help you create a portfolio of your skills and showcase your experience. They will give you feedback and keep track on the projects you've worked on.

A variety of apps and tools online can help manage your time, communicate to potential employers, or automate tasks.

But there are pitfalls too. Fake profiles and scams can occur when you search for work. Some freelance platforms charge fees, but do not provide any value to their clients.

There are always the possibility of receiving negative feedback from former clients. Or you might fall victim to identity theft.

It is best to research the site before you sign up. Look for reviews and testimonials. Don't trust an employer if you don't know the person.

It's important to look out for scammers when working remotely because you'll never meet them face-to-face.

As long as you're careful, you won't encounter any major issues.


  • 98% of claims are paid: Filing an insurance claim is relatively easy and seems faster than the industry average. (travelinglifestyle.net)
  • All it takes is a 5% better profile and proposals than your competitors. (travelinglifestyle.net)
  • The fees range from 5% to 20%, depending on how much you make working for a specific client. (travelinglifestyle.net)
  • According to Statistica Research Department, the number of digital nomads is increasing every day, with more than 15.5 million digital nomads in 2021. (gooverseas.com)
  • They also offer trip cancellation insurance that covers up to 100% of the trip cost. (travelinglifestyle.net)

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How To

How to get Free WiFi All Over the World

You won't find free WiFi everywhere, but plenty of hotspots are available. These are some spots around the world that offer free Internet access.

  1. Starbucks offers WiFi at all its locations. Just look for the "Wi-Fi" sign next to the cash register.
  2. Airports usually have free Wi-Fi. Many airports also provide charging stations for laptops.
  3. Free Wi-Fi is offered by some hotels. There may be signs posted near the front desk announcing this free service.
  4. Many public libraries offer free Internet access. Access is free if you have a library card.
  5. Today, almost all restaurants have free Wi-Fi. You can ask for the password upon your arrival.
  6. Wi-Fi is often free on trains. Google Maps allows you to enter the name and click on search.
  7. Many universities now offer free wireless connections. Look out for the icon labeled "Wireless" on the network icons.
  8. Zoos may not seem like places to enjoy free Internet access, but many zoos offer this perk. Just look for the logo indicating free Wi-Fi.
  9. Free Wi-Fi is almost always available in museums. Find an information booth near the museum entrance.
  10. Trade shows and conventions often offer Wi-Fi free of charge, especially during evening hours. Look out for signs advertising WiFi availability at the event.
  11. Many churches offer free internet access to their members. Look for a notice posted somewhere inside the church.
  12. Customers may sometimes be offered free Wi-Fi by gas stations. Look for the sign stating "Free Wi-Fi" near the pumps.

Here are five tips to help you connect.

  1. Avoid public areas. Public Wi Fi networks are often password-protected, and require payment. If you need to connect, search for a private Wi-Fi network.
  2. Use a VPN program. VPNs secure internet traffic and allow users access to their favorite sites without worrying about surveillance. Because they hide your location, VPNs are particularly useful for connecting to public hotspots.
  3. Be on the lookout for unsecure connections. Anyone can join unsecured networks. These networks are much easier to use than secured ones. But they aren’t as secure as encrypted network.
  4. Join a community. Free Internet access is available in some communities at local coffee shops and libraries as well as hotels and other venues.
  5. Bring your own device. Free WIFI is available at most airports. You don't have to pay roaming charges if you bring your tablet or laptop.

Digital Nomad Blogs- A Guide to Living Nomadic Lives